
The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura


Sakakura Junzo

神奈川県 神奈川県市

Kamakura, Kanagawa




The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, Japan’s first public art museum, stood by a pond and groves around the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu. Sakakura explained his design intention for this project as follows: “While fulfilling the functional requirements for a modern art museum and keeping in mind that the museum stands on the grounds of the historic Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, I wanted to create an interior space that opens up to the outside. The same goes for the loosely enclosed courtyard.”1 From the central courtyard to the sculpture gallery leading to the pond, the ground floor circulation gradually opens up to the exterior spaces. The gallery space on the second floor has a limited opening to protect paintings from harsh light. Instead, the ceiling, which reflects the natural light diffused by the louvers, functions as a lighting fixture for the room. The building, supported by thin steel columns, appears as a white floating volume in harmony with the shadowy grove and the pond from outside. The cultural works and nature of Kamakura combine to create an impressive scene. Funding and construction materials were in short supply after WWII. To overcome such problems, Sakakura chose to utilize a steel structure with riveted joints and modernized building processes such as factory production, assembly, and installation. This project set a precedent for economical building methods through the industrialization of construction processes. [EK]

1. Sakakura Junzo, “Kamakura kindai bijyutsukan” [the Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura], Kenchiku Bunka, (Shokokusya, June. 1963): 159-164.

  • アクソノメトリック図|−|−|鉛筆、トレーシングペーパ−|567×693

    Axonometric|−|−|pencil on tracing paper|567 × 693

  • 一階平面図|1:100|1950|鉛筆、インク、トレーシングペーパー|515×611

    Ground floor plan|1:100|1950|pencil and ink on tracing paper|515 × 611

  • 展示室散光ルーバー 詳細図|1:200, 1:50, 1:20, 1:1|1950|鉛筆、トレーシングペーパー|403×545

    Light diffusing louver in exhibition room: details|1950|pencil on tracing paper|403 × 545

  • 一階彫刻室

    Sculpture gallery on the ground floor

  • 工事写真

    Under construction

  • 外観

    Exterior view