
Yoshizaka Takamasa, Otake Juichi


Venice, Italy




Shown here is the Japan Pavilion for the Venice Biennial held at the Giardini Gardens on Venice’s main island. The architects were tasked with several constraints including limits on tree trimming, elevation differences, and the building’s position relative to nearby pavilions. From the beginning, Yoshizaka expressed his interest in creating a pavilion with “a flat floor and roof lying between the trees.” “Display panels placed between these two planes can be moved around freely to adapt to any exhibition.”1 Yoshizaka contemplated on the contrasting expression of “Openness of the outdoor exhibition space and the enclosed indoor exhibition space” and ways to harmoniously connect both spaces. With the client’s request for a “very Japanese” design, the team went through various design proposals and finally settled on a plan composed of two planes (a floor slab and a roof) and four wall pillars that support them. The 卍-shaped wall system was inspired by Le Corbusier’s “Musée à croissance illimitée (Museum of Unlimited Growth).” The ­enclosed upper floor was lit by natural light through glass blocks embedded between the roof joists, which functioned as diffusing louvers. The rectangular holes in the center of the roof and floor slabs vertically connected the lower level, upper level, and the sky, or inside and outside spaces. [EK]

1. Yoshizaka Takamasa, “Biennāre nihonkan”[Japan Pavilion for Venice Biennale], Shinkenchiku, (Shinkenchikusya, Dec. 1956): 52-57.

  • 外観|所蔵:早稲田大学建築学教室本庄アーカイブズ

    Exterior view|Collection of WASEDA ARCHITECTURE ARCHIVES

  • 上階内部|所蔵:早稲田大学建築学教室本庄アーカイブズ

    Inside the upper floor|Collection of WASEDA ARCHITECTURE ARCHIVES

  • 地上レベル図|−|1956|鉛筆、色鉛筆、トレーシングペーパー|603×804

    Drawing of ground level|−|1956|pencil and colored pencil on tracing paper|603 × 804

  • アクソノメトリック図|−|−|鉛筆、トレーシングペーパ−|550×805

    Axonometric|−|−|pencil on tracing paper|550 × 805

  • 断面図|1:50|−|鉛筆、トレーシングペーパ−|514×836

    Section|1:50|−|pencil on tracing paper|514 × 836

  • 詳細図|1:20|1984|鉛筆、インク、トレーシングペーパー|885×625

    Detail|1:20|1984|pencil and ink on tracing paper|885 × 625